Unpack And Settle New Space

Unpack And Settle New Space

You have done all of the work to downsize and move but how do you make your new space feel like home? We can help.

As carefully as we packed your precious items, we will just as carefully unpack them, putting them away in the exact places you have decided you would like them to go.

Our unique abilities allow us to hang pictures and tvs, put together furniture, install safety equipment and more. 

It is a priority to leave your new home completely set up the way that you want it, so that it is functional, safe and so that when you walk through that new front door, it feels like home. 

Contact Us Today for Move Management and Aging-in-Place Services

We would love to hear from you and discuss how we can help simplify your move or make your home more "you-friendly". Please call us at 564-653-4814 or fill out the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.