Comprehensive Home Inventory

Comprehensive Home Inventory

Keeping track of all of your prized possessions can be a difficult task, especially during a move. We can help. A home inventory can help with that by giving you a better idea of what you actually have so that you can decide what you will be taking to your new home and what you might give away or sell. 

A home inventory will make the packing process more organized and effiecient, saving you money.

On the day of the move, a home inventory will let you know where all of your belongings are, right down to the box number. This will ensure that everything gets to your new home without getting misplaced, or forgotten. 

Once moved in, you can use the same inventory for insurance purposes. 

Contact Us Today for Move Management and Aging-in-Place Services

We would love to hear from you and discuss how we can help simplify your move or make your home more "you-friendly". Please call us at 564-653-4814 or fill out the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.